
Monday, 21 May 2012

Diamond Jubilee Preparations

Three weeks ago, while I was out walking in Charnwood Forest, I had an absolutely BRILLIANT idea for a trick that would go down well for the Diamond Jubilee. As soon as I arrived home, I quickly wrote and then mailed off a letter to Buckingham Palace to ask for their help. I've wrote to them before, so at least they already know that my name is synonymous with quality magic.

This morning, I had a return letter from them denying my request, which, I admit, is a little disheartening, but I do understand the reasons given. However, every cloud has a silver lining, as they let slip a rather intriguing fact that confirmed a secret that I had been told by a friend, many years ago - they didn't really mention anything specifically, but I know that their silence speaks volumes.

So, I have decided to run with the idea, even though Her Majesty has not approved of my request (well, I say Her Majesty, but the letter was signed by an unknown member of the Royal household; I'm not even completely sure that she even read the letter, otherwise it probably would've been a different story). This untold secret will form the basis for my brilliant idea and I will reveal all at some point over the Diamond Jubilee weekend. Hopefully this week, I'll be able to get into my workshop, or garden shed as my wife calls it, and make a very special prop. That's if the weather holds off - the roof leaks!

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